Blasts From the Past-Oldies But Goodies!
Thought I’d share a few stories from past adventures on the road and all I’ll have to say is you better hang on to your hats for these ones! As I mentioned previously I had a well known duo and we were called the Natural Blonde Thrillers. We had achieved extraordinary heights during our career together winning every duo title there was to win and becoming one of the biggest duo acts in the industry. We performed fully choreographed routines with skits, pyro and props. We were sensual dancers with a comedic edge to our shows. We also worked our butts off to achieve everything that we gained and nothing was handed to us. We were two rookie dancers when we met that most people never took too seriously. But we wouls spens night after night practising flips and dance moves and putting together shows from start to finish as if it were like a musical play. Boy, her different boyfriends that helped us out along the way through this journey must’ve freakin loved it LOL When I reflect back to a specific night where we’d practise moves and ask him his opinion he must have been in heaven! LMAO Of course, we were just so innocent and truely focused on getting the routine right that we didn’t even notice that fact.
Well when we were on our Canadian cross country tour we happened to miss a flight leaving Winnipeg. As it turned out there wasn’t another flight till 5am the next morning so we were freaking out on what we were going to do. We were being very stingy lol and didn’t want to pay for a hotel room so asked the ladies working at the airline if we could just sleep in the airport. Nope, at the time the airport closed at midnight and locked it’s doors. So we pulled out the damsels in distress, a few tears and one of girls working at the airline offered to take us in for the night. It was convenient because she would be checking passengers in on our morning flight so we could all drive in together.YAY! Didn’t have to get a hotel! So we thought…
When we arrived at her apartment it was a really cute little place. Her husband was home from his job and we all had a bite to eat and engaged in some small talk. They seemed like your average, ordinary, even a little ‘square’ kind of couple. We felt pretty comfortable….till bedtime. They set up beds for us in the living room and just down the hall was their room and then the bathroom right next to it. Well, Jenna and I started to hear some sounds coming from their bedroom and it was pretty obvious that this couple was gettin down! And they had a porn flick playing with the the volume cranked! lol The crazy part was that they left their bedroom door wide open and were talking loud enough so we’d here and they were wanting us to join the action. WE WERE HORRIFIED!
All we could do was pretend we were sleeping but we couldn’t stop laughing! Seriously?? Is this really happening?? Next time let’s not be cheap. And the worst part was neither one of us wanted to go to the bathroom cuz we’d have to walk right by their door! So we held it all night. Everyone acted like nothing happened in the morning and that was that.
Isn’t THAT ironic…the two people who seemed to be ‘square’ and ‘normal’ ended up being the wild ones and here you have the Ultimate Duo Champions being the ‘squares’. And that airline isn’t know for having friendly service…well, guess we saw the extra friendly side!
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