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Posts tagged “Noonamah

The Show Did Not Go On

During one of my bookings in Australia, I was scheduled to do a show at a pub that was out in the middle of nowhere, literally, you drive down the hwy 45 mins from the city and if you blinked, you’d miss the pub that was at the side of the road. It felt like the real outback. Upon arrival I was met with the 2 gentlemen that were running the show and they were both very sweet and accommodating. I had performed there the week before and my Darth Vader show was a huge hit with these outback Aussies. They were very interactive playing along with my light saber slashes and my Star Wars theatrics!

This time around they had asked me to do more crowd interaction and to dance on the tables. Of course I’m game! I don’t mind playing around and interacting with audience more, bring it on!  So I step out to do my show, as my intro begins I walk over to a full table of enthusiastic customers and two men reach out to grab my hands to help me step up onto their table. Between the momentum of them lifting me up and my 5 inch stilettos, I ended up bumping my head. I was like, “Oh well…I bumped my head, no big deal, on with the show.” FB_IMG_1488656817257

As I crouch down to do a little tittie ra- ra, shimmying from the left to the right, I notice that the guy right in front of me looked like he had seen a ghost. In my mind I was thinking, this is not how a man looks when he is being tittalized lol. As I look down, I see blood on the table. I check my head with my hand and blood was on my hand. So I proceed to wipe my head with my cape, thinking I must’ve scratched myself and would just need to wipe the blood off but after taking the cape off my head it was soaked in blood, then the blood started rushing down my face. The guy sitting in front of me stands up and tells me he’s going to help me off the table, lifting me down onto the ground.

As I start to head back to the office where us girls get ready for the shows, the MC says, “And where is she going now?” I look over to him with blood gushing down my face and he immediately says, “She is going to the change-room! The next show will be in 10 mins!” As I walk into the change-room, the two other dancers and a bar owner look at me in horror and start racing around looking for a first aid kit. I was pretty calm and collected but with how anxious everyone else was I could tell I must’ve looked bad. Cass took the reigns and started to clean the gash and the blood that was everywhere. Heidi got ready and went onstage in my place. Everyone just moved into survivor mode. After placing pressure on the wound for a while, it stopped bleeding-yaaay, no stitches required! I really, really did not want to go to the hospital. Once Heidi came back from her show she mentioned that the fans were on and that’s what hit my head. I dodged a serious bullet on that one! It could’ve been way worse but I was fortunate enough to walk away with a small cut on my head. 

The best part was when I was all cleaned up, one of 20170511_201533the guys who worked there looked at me and asked if I’d be ready to go back onstage in 5 mins…. and of course, me being a true blue #albertastrong super trooper who just soldiers on said yes, if you want me to, I can go on. Cass raises her voice, shocked at the suggestion and said, “There is no way Janine is going on! She lost a lot of blood! Me and Heidi will go back on stage and do a show!”

I just laughed at the craziness of the whole situation. Only twice in my loooong career did the show not go on. And it as was a full moon taboot! The manager asked if I could come back the following week, they were disappointed I couldn’t perform and did so well the week before, that they were excited to have me there. I appreciated that, considering I just had a blood bath on their table and it wasn’t Halloween! Funny enough, I was wearing my Devil costume 😛

It was an unfortunate accident that happened but everyone was SO good to me, especially Cass and her sexy nursing abilities lol The pub, owners, staff and customers were all extremely attentive and I hope to one day go back there and redeem myself…with my vampire show! bahahaha naaaa, maybe I’ll keep it simple and just stay on the stage.