‘Winding Down’ lol
Hi friends, SO, many of you have been teasing me on my ‘winding down’ and ‘ready to move on’ spiel that I wrote about a year ago…yes, it’s been a year LOL Now when I walk into a club and see a familiar face, they usually start chuckling at me and say, “Winding Down, hey? Or, “What ever are you going to do with that 3 days off in December? So this is what winding down looks like…” lol
Well, truth is, once momentum picks up and is full swing, why stop? Last year I took a few months off to work in the film industry. I had a friend who worked in the film biz that kept nudging me to get into stuntwork, so I decided to give it a try. I wanted to stay home more, be with friends and family and to sleep in my own bed. I WAS ready to wind down and settle my roots from the road. The travel was getting to be a bit much and the money had shifted, not making the sacrifice of being away from home worth it as much. I thought it was perfect timing for a transition, although I did still love to perform.
I did the stunt course and started working on set right away. I had worked on Supergirl, the 100, the Arrangement, Riverdale and a few Hallmark movies but going into my 4th month, I was getting burnt out. 12-18 hour days, sometimes wrapping at 1am then my next call time for 5:30am, only a few hours apart. The initial excitement and adrenaline rush was wearing off and I began to realize that once again, I’m in a position where I am sacrificing a lot of time to work and not to life. At that point I told my agent that I was only interested in juicy, awesome roles…guaranteed stunt or principle roles…SAE rate at the minimum. He was like, “Who are you?” laughing, as that is not something people just starting out in the acting biz, say. I loooove the film industry but I also want more substance in my life and more time for people I care about. I began working more on my fitness career and was doing film and dancing part time.

During this time of reflection, I was invited to compete in a contest down in Denver and though I really wasn’t feeling like competing and jumping back into dancing so full on, I decided to just go for it. I ended up walking away with 11 titles from that contest, built a lil fanbase, had a rave review from the club and BAM! Momentum was sprung into motion! Hmm…maybe I should do this a little longer…I then competed in 2 more contests and won them both! It had been sooo long since
I had won a contest back
home on Canadian soil. Actually, I had been slaughtered in 4 Miss Nude Canada contests and 3 other contests I’ve done. So those wins were a personal victory for me. YAY, I can do it! I’ve definitely been creamed a lot more than I’ve ever won but just keep trying. I was then offered a 2 week contract in Australia for March, which rolled into 3 months. Once I was home I was invited to compete in the EDI’s at the end of June in which I came in 2nd place. Though I believe in myself, I knew the competition was fierce, the absolute best of the best were competing in this contest, so I wasn’t attached to winning, just wanted to do my best, watch epic shows and have fun. I was excited to go back to such an awesome club, Platinum 84 and competing in a contest and for an organization I hold high regard for. A week after doing so well at the EDI’S, I was nominated for International
Showgirl Of the Year in Vegas. Who knew any of this would happen? I was actually going to hang up the stilettos last January. I was ready and even started to sell my stuff. Just saying yes to that one contest would set into motion a chain of events that would bring such great experiences my way. It was onto the Gents Expo next at the end of August. I was going to start training clients at a local gym but things weren’t quite working out with that as smoothly as I liked and dancing opportunities were still there and followed those. At the Gents Expo I performed 4 shows, hosted the red carpet and hosted an interview for the International talent.
You are now up to date on my year! This is what I’ve been up to. Why stop now? 😀 Here we are, now in October and I’ve been working like a dawg…happily. Had a few experiences that helped me to get clear on what I want and where I want to go. I’ve been offered 3 international contracts so far and am working on a US tour. SO…winding down? More like riding the wave! I do feel a shift coming. I would love some experiences internationally but also want to find the balance. I want to focus on my other business aspirations and eventually have a kidlet! At the moment I’m booked up until June 2018 but anything can happen and dates/places can change. Waiting on visa approvals, paperwork and all that jazz. Some may work, some may not, I will keep my schedule updated as everything is finalized. So, to anyone out there this can be a great example of what being open to opportunities and not limiting yourself, can look like. Sometimes you just need to say yes. Trust the process, acknowledge the synchronicities that light up the path in front of you. DON’T EVER listen to naysayers, allow them to fuel your fire. Not everyone is meant to take your journey with you, so leave them be when that relationship is no longer serving your highest good. Get better, not bitter. If you allow the best to manifest, it will. Learn from mistakes and move on quickly. Really, really sit down and decide what you want for your life and how do you want to feel. Life can be a magical ride if you just let go of the control and believe in the magic.
This entry was posted on October 14, 2017. It was filed under Diary of a Dancer.
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