Canada's fanciest fanny!


SO good to be home! I love my travels and experiencing different cultures and countries but there really is no place like home or my home audiences and tonight was such a pleasant reminder. I’m at the Red Lion in Victoria and had yet again another good week that just keeps getting better! When I have an audience like I did just now for my last show it’s SO exhilarating that I have to slowly wind myself back down so I can eventually go to sleep. There’s a moment during a show when I’m completely connected with the audience, I call it the sweet spot, and THAT is why I love what I do, for that moment. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world 🙂

I had a nice treat today, a few customers had to leave before my show, so they each gave their friends who were staying tipping dollars to give to me. Also had half the front row full of Americans who stayed through the hockey game to wait until I was back on again; they wanted to leave cuz they didn’t want to watch hockey…WTH I told them not to say that too loud. Didn’t you guys see what happened in Vancouver last year when we didn’t win the cup? Those are like fighting words in this neck of the woods. LOL But I completely appreciated that! Happy they enjoyed my performance. And of course, my fave ladies came out in full force tonight. The one DJ called me a chick magnet….ummmm, YEP! 😀 Love all that feminine energy, sexiness and support.

I had the BEST time in Australia. I stayed in a couple of hostels along the way…that was interesting. I actually didn’t mind the whole ‘backpacker’ experience, it was actually a great way to meet people along the way and the girls I roomed with were all very nice. I did my best to conceal all the sparkles and sequence in my luggage in the effort to keep the fact that I am bit of a sensual starlet and a provocative one at that, to a minimum. I love what I do but there are moments where I prefer to be more discreet with my profession. It usually sparks an endless conversation consisting of mostly questions and sometimes I rather not spend all my time talking about work; sometimes. I do like to learn about other people, too 😛 It’s just a juicy topic and I appreciate people’s inquisitiveness.

In Australia I did the flying trapeze which was insane!! I conquered my fear of heights from a ledge, well, for that moment. lol I actually didn’t think I was going to be able to do it. I even told the guy when I got up there I couldn’t do it but he kept talking me through it. I finally let go of the platform, placed both hands on the trapeze bar and away I went!. Even did a back-flip my first time! It was incredible! I then went up another 6 times and got to the point where I could ‘make the catch’ from another guy on a trapeze who’d catch me and then dismount with somersaults or back-flips. I knew it-I should’ve joined the circus! LOL This is only after I also started learning ariel hoop from my amazing instructor, Sylvia Louise aka AcroSilver, and after 3 classes was able to perform a 2 minute routine. Ariel hoop comes a lot easier to me than pole work. It’s crazy! And not just ‘looking pretty’ poses but some challenging moves and I just breezed through it.

I got to hang with my besties, Candi, Justine and both of their hubbies and it really made my trip worth while. Those Aussies are so hospitable, at one point a friend of a friend acted as a tour guide and totally took care of Candi and I while we were in Melbourne. Chivalry isn’t dead! He showed us the sights and was a true gentlemen. But then again, he’s was hanging out with two hotties 😉 I kept laughing, Candi has new boobs and kept playing with them, unintentionally, and he would try SO hard not to look but come on…lol ‘A for effort!’ The guy at the trapeze school even asked us why we were in such good shape and what did we do. Hmm, what do you mean? Don’t you have a lot of ladies with big boobs and trim bods learn trapeze? Bahaha

As far as New Zealand goes, that’s a whole other blog with a potential litigation in suit, so no comments at this time but will definitely will keep you all updated on the unravelling of that situation….One thing that I thought was awesome was the customers that were coming in to see me would start singing, ‘O Canada’ every time I walked in the room. I thought that was hilarious. But as far as other issues, I’m not at liberty to discuss them at this time :/

On a positive note, I’m getting ready for a few big competitions! My On Season has begun and am 10 weeks out to my next comp! Dun dun dun daaaa! SO excited! 😀 And there could be another reason to sing ‘O Canada’ 😉


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