Canada's fanciest fanny!

Creative Juices Are Flowing n Growing!

Really excited these days! I’m currently writing a screenplay for my blogs. I have some interest from the film industry on bringing my adventures to t.v. *fingers crossed* Also on the agenda is: writing songs to record, I have a meeting with a director for a potential role in a movie, I got a new puppy to train AND I’m 6 weeks out to my next fitness competition biotches! Yep, lots on my plate but with my healthy appetitete I’ll take a second helping! Bring it on! Whoot whoot! Dream big and always shoot for the moon cuz even if you miss you’ll and among the stars. My mom always used to tell me that 🙂 Another fave quote: The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Michelangelo :0)

Not to mention I’m back here in Winnipeg where I’m sure one day Rick, my agent, will bronze my jamming shoes. lol This is where in between my feature shows I have jam shows all over the city. I usually will perform 12-24 shows in a week but here in Winnipeg that goes up to 40+! And that’s on top of my 2 hour a day gym sessions training for my comp. When I’m prepping for a fitness competition my training is quite intense along with the diet but I LOVE every minute of it and truly ‘In-joy’ the whole process.

And nope, no takin an easy here due to my crazy work schedule, it’s play hard or don’t play at all! When I compete I go for gold so my focus each workout and each day with my meals is set on that win and walking off stage with a 1st place trophy! As I said, I enjoy the process, I’ve always been an athlete and this is another platform where I can really reach above and beyond my previous limits and continue to evolve physically, mentally and spiritually, however, at the end of the day it’s also great to walk off stage with a 1st place trophy in hand! I will own that. Peeps say they competefor the experience or just for fun, when I compete, I compete for number 1! And no matter how well I do, I know that I am already a champion cuz being a champion is in the attitude you carry.

I have been truly blessed on this road trip, my driver is a former bodybuilding champ and at 57 is going for it again next year! And I think he’ll win! So he totally understands the process I’m going through and is even helping me eat extra clean by cooking me the most amazing chicken along with taking care of my lil pup so I can train in the afternoons. A trainer away from my trainer lol A HUGE thank you goes out to Valentine Payne for totally giving me all the support, motivation and extra dose of inspiration I need on this competing  journey right now. Definitely an angel looking out for me. And he’s a personal trainer as well so if anyone’s looking for a great trainer add him on Facebook and get in touch for further details.



Here I go of week #2 in Winnipeg and so far it’s been great! I was at Teasers and 3D last week and at the Marion and Solid Gold this week. Having a blast at both places so far! It was excellent having a room full of peeps from T-Bay last night. Of course the rowdies were from there, I should’ve known! Coming into Winnipeg to catch a Jets game and Janine Jericho-LOVE IT!


And just to be clear, the movie opp is NOT an adult film or in that industry whatsoever. I’m a showgirl, not a porn star and wouldn’t ever take that road. Not that I have anything against it, I believe every one’s got their own journey to take and wouldn’t ever judge, it’s just not my cup of tea. I hate to burst any naughty promiscuous fantasies but honestly, for me, sex isn’t just sex, it’s so much more than that and I prefer to keep what goes on in the bedroom, or in the kitchen, or on the airplane, in a public washroom, on a bus or in a truck…te-he-he, for someone special and who I care deeply for. THAT’S what really gets me off; true passion and intimacy so you really can unleash all your inhibitions with someone you trust and care about bringing it to a higher level of pleasure…in private and not for film or movies, unless maybe a home made movie! lol And I wouldn’t want to ‘act’ in those films anyway, just  give me the real deal thanks!

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