Blue Jean, baby
When I was a rookie, the agents kept booking me with a huge feature of that time, Blue Jean. I was a bit of a brat, honestly, I came out of Fort McMurray, Alberta (the rough n tough, far Canadian north) with a huge chip on my shoulder, an attitude to match and a lot to prove. I feel like they were booking me with her in the hopes that I’d actually pay attention and learn a thing or two, or three lol some of those things would be to soften and humble. They saw a potential there but my brattiness was a deterrent I was a very good dancer, coming from a dance background and thought I was a lot better than I actually was LOL There’s a lot more involved in being a great entertainer opposed to having just good skills. I used to think, ” I should be the feature.” Yes, total bratty mentality in that regard but with drive and aspirations. So, I would be dancing my butt off, doing ALL the moves, handstands into splits, fancy spins, I really thought I was killing it! And I’d get some claps and shouts. Then Blue Jean would go on stage and get triple encores, money thrown everywhere and I just didn’t get it. How does she have them eating out of the palm of her hand like that and she doesn’t even touch the pole? She was wearing a red and white plaid shirt and cut off Jean shorts, so, not even a huge, embellished feature costume. Then after a few months, I finally broke down, realizing I didn’t know it all and still had a lot to learn, clearly, and I just asked her, “Can I pick your brain? I’m wondering, How do you do it? They go crazy for you as soon as you walk on stage. I feel like I’m working so hard and I get nothing.” She was so nice and sweet about it. She said, “Eye contact and smile. I make every man in the room feel like I’m dancing for only him.” I laughed and said, “No way, it’s not THAT easy.” She smiled and said, that’s the secret. So, my next stage show, I was ready and armed with this new feedback! I went out on stage, started dancing, looked at a customer in the eyes aaannddd felt so shy! I couldn’t do it. It was actually so hard for me! And smiiiileee…. omg, so hard. I couldn’t look at people and also, smile. I was so used to being a serious performer but really, probably looked more like a drill Sargent with my resting bitch face. So, I started to work on that. I would look at a customer and think of something funny to make me laugh, which, would lead into me smiling. Then, they would get excited, smile back and put money on the stage! I was like, “Wow, it really is that easy, once I get past this shyness. They don’t care about my handstands, they want to feel acknowledged.” It changed my whole show. So then, making eye contact and smiling is how I started my show. My first song would be spent courting the audience. This changed the game for me. I could go onstage after an entertainer doing amazing pole work or aerials and make triple the amount of tips just from that personal connection. And then, when I would do a fancy move, the audience would go even more crazy, even if 3 girls before me did the exact same move. That was the secret sause!
Another great piece of advice I received from Randy, my agent and huge mentor, pertained to Blue Jean, again, as well as Krissy Snow, another big feature of that era. I was competing in contests, making the finals but not placing. I was really taking it hard, beating myself up over losing. Randy said to me, “You know Blue Jean,” I said, “Of course! You book me with her every week!” He said, “She hasn’t won a contest yet, neither has Krissy Snow and both are two of the highest paid and most booked features out there. They’re so popular, they don’t need a title. Any title they could win would be a benefit to that title because of how much status and spotlight they had. Build a career so big that you don’t need a title. If you win a title, YOU will be giving that award a spotlight of recognition, not the other way around.” After that, Blue Jean, went on to win Miss Nude Canada but by then, it was as he said, she gave that title more recognition because she was already so big. Her career had greatly influenced and inspired my perception and shaped where I am today ✨️ There were a few others, like Lianna Cole but those 2 pieces of guidance completely changed my thinking and the trajectory of my career. I then started building a career so big that I didn’t need a contest title to get booked, I would get booked solely on who I was. This was also similar advice I was given from my music mentor, Bruce Levens, the owner of Greenhouse Studios, a well known recording studio that was home to such acts as Aerosmith, Bon Jovi and Nickel back, just to name a few. Bruce told me to strive to be bigger than my music. At the time I had an all girl group called, G-Force, that was recording and rehearsing at the studio. When he said be bigger than your music, it reminded me of be bigger than any title you can win. And that is how my career has been. I don’t win a ton of contests but will be the most talked about show and have cemented 14 years of a stacked booked schedule around the world. And for me, guaranteed paychecks and touring internationally is the best accolade anyone could attain because that sustainability is next level. Many features struggle to keep relevant with a steady booking schedule for 2-3 years before things start to fade out, let alone almost 15 years. So, I have profound gratitude for the mentors I had early on who shifted my mindset and helped me to have total vision, instead of just tunnel vision of where my career could go and how to get there.
Features and Getting Booked
In light of the many complaints and concerns coming from the feature community due to the lack of bookings, I thought I’d share a more in depth response. First off, yes, the economy has shifted and it has slowed things down a bit, however, this is the dynamic of our industry and it flows up and down and always has. That is a contributing factor for sure. But when I came down to the States 6 years ago, showgirls weren’t getting booked at all. Only a few would get bookings but they still had xxx credits. It was an adult film star monopoly when it came to feature bookings. I was actually told by other features that getting my visa would be a waste of money because I wouldn’t get booked as a no name showgirl in the U.S without any adult film credits……challenge accepted!
After receiving my approval for my work visa, I relocated down to Florida part time and awaited for the floodgates to open! I had both Danny, the agent from Centerfolds and Frank from Continental, tell me that there was a place for me and my crazy shows down here in the US and a lot of clubs would want me. At the time, Danny only had 3 bookings for me. So, I waited…and waited…and waited. I soon began to realize that my success would heavily rely on myself and what I could generate, not just from an agent. This was familiar territory for me, as I have booked all of my international tours and tours in Eastern Canada for the last decade. So, I had gone digging into my boxes, found every business card to every club manager/owner that I had been given to at different events over the 2 previous years and starting contacting them. I also signed on with Sinational Features, which wasn’t common at that time, as most features were exclusive to one agency. Yes, a no name showgirl who wa being unconventional with non-exclusivity and booking herself, as I said before, challenge accepted! Slowly but surely, bookings were coming in.
At each booking I went above and beyond with my shows, as I always had, whether there were 5 people or 100, you still get a full on, ’Janine Jericho,’ show. One club owner said that I was consistently great and that it wasn’t common. If the club was quiet, features would do a, ‘lazy’ show. But I learned back in Canada that when the club is quiet, is exactly when you really need bring it because that’s when management and the staff are watching. And my showprice doesn’t pro-rate to the crowd, it’s the same with each show, so, Ive always believed in giving my best every time. As a showgirl, I also had to build my following from the ground up. This included a push on social media for that city I was featuring in and walking around and meeting and greeting the customers who were in the club and giving them cards with my social media on it. Spending some time with them, so they’d be excited for when I came back and usually, they’d bring their friends in. Chatting and taking photos with the house dancers, inspiring them, giving a little guidance to those that asked for it and cross promotion on our social medias. This is how I grew my followings in Canada and Australia and knew it’d also work within the US. So, when I’d go back to a booking, it’d always be busy with more fans excited to me, which in turn, makes me even more excited to return. I had been rebooked at every booking I did for the following 6 years, minus the States that were closed during Covid.
It was a big effort to maintain a steady, back to back touring schedule and it was a combined effort of self generated bookings and working with the agents. It took me 5 months to figure it out but once I did, I had become one of the most booked feature showgirls consistently since coming down here, which was an amazing feat considering I was told that clubs didn’t book showgirls before I came to the U.S. Most clubs had been fed a thick diet of adult film stars, so, they weren’t interested in booking showgirls, who they claimed, didn’t have the same draw\following and the quality of shows were inconsistent from entertainer to entertainer. They said some showgirls were house dancers in a costume, why should they pay for that, especially when they have beautiful house dancers who were also great on the pole and PAYING THE CLUB to work there. They didn’t see the need for features. Even winning a major title or award didn’t seem to do much. I had seen many Miss Nude Worlds or Entertainer of the Year, with bleak touring schedules during their reign, when one would assume that such a huge title would guarantee a full year’s touring schedule. But I will add, other than the features complaining on not getting booked, there could be personal reasons for each entertainer and them choosing not to tour during their reign.
Another agent reached out and said he was booking me into a club in Vegas called, Sapphire, and they were one of these chains that didn’t believe in booking showgirls.. He told me to blow them away and show them why they should book showgirls, and so I did! Bumblebee made an appearance and they still talk about it to this day! After that, they opened their minds and began booking more showgirls. Things for about 2.5 years had improved and showgirls started to get booked more and more frequently.
Later on, I found out that some of the club owners I had reached out to about booking me had contacted the clubs I had performed at previously to see how I was as a feature. It was those great reviews that helped tip the scale in my direction and solidify those bookings at clubs that had never heard of me before. All of that extra ground work at each booking was paying off in ways I didn’t even think of.
Here I am now and for the first time in 15 years, have blocked off touring for Jan-May, except for something special, like an international booking, event or personal favor. My other income avenues are doing very well and I love waking up in my own bed, in paradise, every day. Before moving, I’d be home for 3 days before I’d get eager about going back out on the road. I start iching to leave, having had enough downtime lol I guess I enjoyed the momentum and perhaps didn’t love being at home as much as I had thought. I am so comfortable in my new space that I don’t want to leave! I’ve even pushed my May bookings back. So, needless to say, my touring days are actually winding down…by choice. I’m at a point in my career where I’m turning work away.
For the entertainers out there struggling, I want you to know that you can overcome this and you can fill up your schedule but YOU are going to have to put in the work yourself, in the business side of things. If you’re relying on an agent or a club owner that has a chain of clubs to keep you booked, you’re going to get stuck. You’ll have huge gaps in your schedule. It’s like putting all of your eggs in one basket. Once that tour is done, then what? There are thousands of clubs nationwide that you can reach out to. You also need to put in some of your own leg work on building up your following and getting your name out there. If you’re relying solely on the club to advertise you, once again, you could get stuck with a soft weekend. I don’t think the industry is over saturated. There are thousands of clubs. I think that the ones currently booking features are being extremely selective. They don’t want entertainers that are drama, have attitudes, dont have an appealing online presence and are rude to the staff and house dancers, they don’t want basic, you need to be able to offer something different to their beautiful and talented house dancers, they want interactive, no drug use-even weed and minimal alcohol, professional and on time, not blaming the club for things within your control…of course these may sound like no brainers but really think of yourself and how you are with each of these.
The industry is shifting and we need to shift with it. If you’ve always struggled to get booked, there could be reasons for that and you need to really investigate all avenues and ask why you aren’t getting booked and look at those who are and see what they’re doing differently. There needs to be some accountability on your part as well, as it’s not always the agents. At the end of the day the GMs and club owners have final say on who they want.
My Journey of the Duo & Trio Acts
Fire & Ice Nightmoves Grand Championships
Trio Champions
I wanted to share my back story as a duo and trio performer, but I need to go waaaaay back to my very first week of dancing. In Western Canada,. All dancers would be considered ‘showgirls’ and get paid for all of their stages, which is quite different from everywhere else in the world, where entertainers pay the club to work there. It’s called a ‘house fee’, along with mandatory tip outs to all of the staff. It was a great incentive to develop your shows and invest in costumes, as the better you became, the higher your showprice could be, and one could even move onto, ‘Feature Status.’ Each contract was Mon-Sat, with between 18-36 shows for the week, so between 3-6 shows per day. And then you would move to another club on the circuit the following week. At the time, the Vancouver area had over 50 clubs to circulate around from week to week.
During my first week ever, I was a bit frazzled as I had the last show of the night which meant I’d miss the last bus going home. Yes, baby dancer at 18 and moved from small town Alberta to the big city of Vancouver, trying to make it. No vehicle yet, just the bus and skytrain. (Imagine lugging around those hockey bags full of costumes on public transit!)
There was this beautiful, bubbly blonde that overheard me trying to swap my last show and asked what was wrong. I explained to her that I was going to miss my bus and I lived over an hour away. She asked which city I lived in. I replied, “New West,” she said, “Me, too! I can wait for you and give you a ride.” Then she asked me where I lived in New West and I said, “Knox Street.” She exclaimed, “What?!!! Me, too! Which building do you live in?” I laughed thinking there’s no way…..319 Know street. She squealed, “Omgggg! Me, too!! So you know Peter and Nancy, the landlords? Wait a minute, do you have a little baby? Now I remember seeing you in the lobby! oh wow, we live in the same building!”
I did start to remember meeting her in the lobby one day with our landlord. But she wasn’t a glamourpuss, she was in her pjs and slippers, in total civilian comfy mode, so it took a minute to recognize her. I never would’ve guessed that girl in the lobby, who looked like the girl next door could transform into such a blonde bombshell that looked like she just walked out of a Playboy Magazine. From that moment on, we were joined at the hips. We would get booked together each week and clubs loved it. Then we were asked if we wanted to compete in the World Duo Championships at Monty’s, in Victoria, BC. What’s a duo Championship? It’s a contest where 2 entertainers put together a show. Well, we were all fired up-heck ya! So, we started to think of what we had that could go together , to keep costs down and not having to buy matching costumes and settled on a dog and cat show. I had a cat costume, and she had a dog. well, it was actually a reindeer, but we could make it look like a dog LOL Reflecting back, this concept was hilarious. The agents gave us the name, ‘Jailbait,’ for obvious reasons, we were both underage at the time.
We really didn’t know what we were doing, so, we created some props, like a fire hydrant (Don’t ask) and came up with some choreography that I knew from being a dancer and then the music mix to match the theme.
When we started watching the different duos performing, we were in awe! Duos were a big deal back then and many were touring acts that had spectacular shows with their owns lighting systems and pyrotechnics. Wheels to Neil were considered the contenders and Twice As Nice also has a solid reputation for performance. We actually made it to the finals and then won Audience Favorite!! But who wouldn’t love two 18 years old blondes bouncing around a stage acting ridiculous in a sexy kinda way/!!
After that, we were hooked. We both knew that we could create some really amazing shows like the big feature acts that we saw. So, we kept getting booked together every week, practiced and created and practiced and created. Living in the same building made it easy for us to get together after work to create our shows. We also decided that we needed a name change and came up with the name, the Natural Blonde Thrillers, a spin off from the movie, Natural Born Killers, which was huge hit at that time. We would watch dance videos after work to learn new dance moves and would watch and learn how to do cheerleader lifts. And then we started with our themes. There were 2 shows that we started creating: a cowboy theme and an army theme. There were ‘duo nights’ that you could sign up for on Thursday nights, so, we tried to book into those as often as possible. As we performed at the duo nights, clubs started to see our potential and it wasn’t too long until we were getting booked as an actual duo act. with our solo shows as well. And then the next contest, the West Coast Duo Championship, was happening. None of those bigger, established names were competing, so we really felt like we had it in the bag. Well, we ended up with 3rd place and were DEVASTATED. We were being booked and all of that hard work and ended with 3rd-WTH?! A lesson learned on being overconfident. Other entertainers who were featuring at the time took top spots and many said that they wouldn’t allow a couple of rookies to win over them. I will also add that our show was great, but it wasn’t exceptional. Though we were booked as a duo, we would be in a co-feature spot but still hadn’t solidified THE feature spot. And back then, you had to pay your dues! It usually would be a few years before an entertainer moved up to feature status. It was impressive to be a co-feature in your first year of dancing.
Well, that only fueled our Fire. We started to create an army show and really thought about every detail. We decided to start off with our voices singing an army song, that we pre recorded at a studio and then went into performing a skit. We sang that classic army song as we marched on stage and had pyrotechnics going off. I was the Sargeant, and she was the cadet. After a few, “Left Right Lefts, I’d say, “Accompany halt!” She falls into me acting like a Clusty army brat. I then would say, ” Accompany Halt! Attention! Are you playing games with me girl? Get down on your knees and give me 20….LICKS! 1, 2…3….oooh make it 50!” We thought it was funny, sexy and different. Everything was unfolding, song by song. We went with old classic army tv shows theme songs for the intro, F-Troop and Hogan’s Heros, keeping it recognizable and playful, then moved into, ‘We Will Rock You,’ by Queen and that’s when shit got real! Choreography to each beat! The cheerleading lifts to each beat. ‘War, What Is It Good For’ Followed by, ‘Love Is a Battlefield,’ where I become a doctor who needs to revive my fallen cadet with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and a full physical *wink wink* We ended the show with song, ‘Toy Soldiers’ and got all messy with a water show. We felt it in our bones that THIS was the one. This is a winner. Next up: the Ultimate Duo Championships!
This one was going to be a tough one. Some of the biggest features were pairing up to go for gold. The two that we considered our biggest rivals were Shannon Tate and Elizabeth Arden. They both had many contest titles, like, Miss Nude BC, one of the biggest titles you could win at that time and they were favored. “Who do these two rookies think they are……” that was a common statement amongst many, throughout the contest. Back when I started dancing, there was a pecking order and being a rookie, you were supposed to be seen, not heard. Those experienced dancers could be vicious. But I came out of northern Alberta oil country, we were like Vikings, so, I had a chip on my shoulder, something to prove and wasn’t intimidated by that BS. We didn’t let any of it bother us. We kept our eye on the prize. We had so much fun creating this show that we didn’t care. I guess we’ll just show them who we KNOW we are.
Well, we made the final! At the end of our show we had a standing ovation and a double encore!! As they were calling the 2nd Runners up, we were so nervous but nope, not us, which means, we still have a chance! Then they announced the 1st Runners up, I could feel my heart beating in my throat…”Be Seeing You Twice, Shannon Tate and Elizabeth Arden,” omggg.. did we just win?!!! And the 1st place winners for the Ultimate Duo Championships are. . the Natural Blonde Thrillers!” What??!!! We did it?!!! This is where I learned, be so good they can’t ignore you. Do a show so spectacular, you can’t not win. If you don’t win, it’s too obvious that it was rigged and then the contest devalues itself. Because honestly, I believe, those 2 top features were supposed to win.
That was one of my happiest moments on stage! Kind of in shock but also, owning it and feeling like it was so earned. The Natural Blonde Thrillers went on to win every duo competition after that across Canada, 2-3 times over. Our winning streak was unbeatable. There was even one contest at the Caddy Shack, the West Coast Duo Championship, where some funny business happened during our show. We went on last and during our 3rd song, the music stopped The dj came over and said that the speakers blew and our show was over, to get off the stage. Fuck that! The show must go on! The dj came to the stage once more and yelled, “Your shows over!” And I said, “No it’s not! Hey everyone, we want you to sing for the next 5 mins, Heyyyyyy we want some psssssY”!! And the audience started laughing and singing, “Heeeyyyyy, we want some pussy!!”
Then they started pounding on the tables and chanting that for the next 5 mins so we could finish our show. We ended with a standing ovation and….we took first place!! There was another duo act that agent wanted to promote at that time and….Industry people may have been sick of us winning everything, that’s why I think that happened with our show. They weren’t expecting us to continue on, which won over the audience even more. For that performance, we were bikers, dressed in all black pvc, helmets on and did choreography with handlebars that had a big headlight on them. We made it look like we were driving around the stage. It was hot!
After that, my agent, Randy, said we should consider adding a trio partner. He kept booking us with another cute, blondie, Indica and we all got along, so, posed the question, can we do this? Do we want to do this? Why not?!!! So, we incorporated, Indica into our shows, taught her our routines and went on to win the World Trio Championships at Monty’s, the place where it all began.
SO….here I am, many years later and it has come full circle; I’ve just won the Nightmoves Duo/Trio Grand Championships with my current partners, Justice and Hayla Faye, together we are, ‘Fire & Ice.’!!
During Covid was when my idea to bring back the duo act emerged. At the time, I was mentoring a newcomer and during one of our sessions, I asked her if I could pick her up and throw her around. She was excited and said to go for it! So, I did some of those old cheerleading lifts I knew, and we nailed it. Then the thought came to mind…I hadn’t seen any duos in well over a decade, why not bring something different to this era, back to the stage BUT with upgrades in skill, like acro?!! I had seen some videos of people doing acro and found it to be a beautiful flow that demonstrates strength, balance, connection and flow. Having 2 women performing this on stage would be amazing! and just by a serendipitous moment, that man I saw in those acro videos happened to be at the gas station at the same time as my then partner and she asked him if he’d teach us acro…of course he would! And I was right about the demand for something new! Club owners and audiences loooooved it! I was able to sell the idea of my duo act and solidify a tour during the least likely of times, during the pandemic. It brought lightness to a time of uncertainty and frustration. It really did save my heart and soul. With the pandemic, I lost 3 years of what would have been my best tour and bookings to date with extremely lucrative contracts in the U.S., Australia and Canada. I wasn’t even sure if we would have an industry, let alone, features, after the pandemic, because the entertainment industry was hit so hard. I lost a lot at that time.
But the acro community in St. Pete saved my soul. This also never would’ve happened if I wasn’t forced to stop touring, so there were blessings inside of such a dark time. I would never have met all of those amazing people, created meaningful friendships and created shows that went on to shift the industry. With the success of my duo, other duos started to emerge. I then asked a contest promoter about putting together a duo contest and they went for it! The first ever, DUO COMPETITION, in the US! We competed and walked away with a deserved, 3rd place. Because we were the only touring duo act and had been together so long, we were seen as a contender. But our show fell flat. We buckled under the pressure and didn’t earn that first-place prize. The other duos killed it! They actually made me so happy and proud for bringing their ‘A’ game and making a great effort to put on an awesome show. They were outstanding and for most of them, it was their first time on stage together! It was amazing to watch these high caliber women come together to create something so exciting and inspirational. The contest promoter said that was the best contest they’ve held. That for the first time, people were glued to their seats, whereas at other awards shows, the feature shows were like an intermission where people would get up and start talking to each other, use the bathroom, get drinks, etc. Though we didn’t win, I still felt like a champion with what I was able to create.
Then for the following year, I posed the question, “How about a duo-TRIO competition?!!” They replied, “Can you find that many entertainers?” “ABSOLUTELY!! I will!!” I giggled with excitement.
And so here we are, the Nightmoves Duo/Trio Competition 2023! I just revel in this resurgence of the Duo -Trios that I was able to ignite and breathe life back into.
Who would’ve thought that this is where I’d be and what I’d be doing….still playing on stage. Passion in action! Upcoming blog will be the story on how I created the resurgence of the duo and trios.
Photos of Fire & Ice Trio Champions followed by the Natural Blonde Thrillers

Publications and Podcasts
The Force Is Strong With This One
My light sabers for my Star Wars show have been quite a spectacle more times that I can count.
There was this one time when my light saber must’ve shifted in my hockey bag when being placed into my Uber and kept humming the entire drive. It sounded like a vibrator! I was dying in the back seat! Finally, the Uber driver turned down the radio and said, “Do you hear something?” I burst of laughing and said, “Yes, it’s my light saber.” He started laughing and replied, “Light saber?” Giggling back trying to talk, I said, “Yep! From Star Wars, you know? The Force is strong during this Uber drive!”
My light sabers have also turned on in the airport line up waiting to check in. I just pretended to not hear the hum for a few minutes to see people’s reactions…that was my entertainment for the morning. Then I walked up to the counter, opened my bag, whipped out my light saber and turned it off.
When crossing the border once going into the U.S., the customs officers came in after searching my car and told me that I could get into trouble for having lethal weapons. I started laughing and said, “You found my light sabers!” The officer said, “Yes, they turned on as we were moving stuff around.” ? At least they had a sense of humor about it!
NYC The Realization Of A Dream
I had just performed in NYC at the infamous venue, Sapphire! THIS was an axperience I’ve had on my all time bucket list as a feature entertainer. The Big Apple, along with Las Vegas, for me, are a performers dream and it didn’t disappoint. Sapphire is located in Manhattan and my accomodation was a swanky, boutique hotel just off of Park Avenue. I was giddy flying into the city and just as excited as my Uber driver was making his way throught the traffic to my hotel. Being in New York also stirred up so much memories and emotions from when I was teenager and an aspiring model.
Growing up in what was then, small town Fort McMurray, I had aspirations to model. Well, my main aspiration was to be a popstar lol But at 12, I had started doing local fashion shows and the odd modeling gig, like being the cover model for a local photography studio located in the mall. At 13, I started going to, ‘Young Ladies Modelling School’, which was the first and only school of its kind and founded and taught by Yvonne Deprees. I actually had to quit air cadets and basketball to go these classes, as they were all on the same days…which was a tough decision to make BUT with the modeling school, there was an opportunity to be one of girls selected to go to a modeling convention in New York City at the end of the year….THIS is what sealed the deal for me! I wanted New York City.
Myself and my best friend, Kara, who looked like Brooke Shields, attended the school together for the school year. She actually had the look and the height but I had the work ethic. And then it came down to the selections for N.Y. and it was a small list, I believe 7-8 models were choosen and I was one of them! However, my celebrating was cut short when one of the chaparones had to cancel, leaving not enough chaparones for the trip. Because I was the last girl selected, I would be the one cut from the group. I was DEVASTATED! My world just feel apart as you can imagine any teen girl’s dreams being broken. My parents felt terrible and asked Yvonne if there was anyway to make an exception and she said that if my mother came, that would be enough chaparones for the trip. My family didn’t have enough money to cover the expenses of having my mother come with me, so my dad reached out to a few family members with no avail and then decided to sell his truck so that we could afford for my mother to come with me. Even just remembering back to this moment as an adult, makes me emotional. It sure is a different type of gratitute. I didn’t fully comprehend back then just how much of a sacrifice he was making for me but I sure do now. Profound gratitude. This gesture though, wasn’t just about a parent making a huge sacrifice but aslo showing me how much they believed in me and my dreams and to never give up.
So, off to New York we went! And it was AMAZING! I got to dance in a talent search (dancing was my main passion) and wowed the judges, however, was still uncomfortable with my body, so wore a bulky t-shirt over top of my dancewear, which costed me marks, They said if I just wore my dance outfit, I would’ve won. But boobs were coming in! I wasn’t comfortable with the girls yet lol However, I was selected to do a Coke commercial and partake in high fashion, fashion show, which was a big deal because I’m short. No one was expecting me to get it but I had the perfect walk and presence. So many memories with my mom like, seeing the Statue Of Liberty, walking through Central Park and having people try to sell us watches out of suitcases! That was crazy to us small town folk!
As I was waiting for my limo to come pick me up from my hotel, I couldn’t help but feel so happy in that moment as now, here I am, as an adult, waiting for my limo, in my swanky hotel about to headline at a venue in Manhattan. Well dad, I’m not a millionaire…yet, ther’s still time lol buuuuut here I am living my dream that started with an aspiration as a young girl, with two parents that taught her to always follow her dreams and that she could be anything and do anything she ever wanted. No limits.
And Sapphire was absolutely outstanding! The staff was exceptional, the club itself and the audience were outstanding. I had a successful performance and was told on the spot they’d rebook me not only at that one venue again but also the other two that they have in N.Y. Bumblebee stole the show! They said they hadn’t seen a feature of my calibre of show in a long time. And quite honestly, I was worried about doing my transformer. Bumblebee is so over the top, that whenever I’m in a new venue, especially one as highly regarded as Sapphire, it concerns me that people won’t ‘Get it.’ They might be expecting something more burlesquey style. I then reminded myself that BROADWAY was just down the street and if anyone would appreciate this scale of a show, it would be the New Yorkers….and they did!!
I have a few videos from this trip up on my IG @diaryofashowgirl_janinejericho
When the Claws Come Out
“Instead of killing them with kindness, torture them with success” – David Goggins
Recently I’ve had 2 dancers who were dealing with negative, spiteful attitudes from other dancers within the industry, reach out to me for guidance on how to deal with these things. Both ladies are awesome entertainers with some successes under their belts, one in particular, is a rising star and slaying the Exotic dance scene. Very popular with audiences, winning awards and loved by some industry heavy weights. The bullying began once she started winning contests and was booked for her first feature week. In one instance, when she walked into a changeroom there was a comment written in permanent marker on the wall saying, “So and so is an escort and is sleeping with the agents.” She also had other people making degrading comments about her while she was within earshot in the changeroom…you know, HIGH SCHOOL SHIT! lol When we worked together, she said, “You know Janine, I try to be nice to everyone and treat everyone with kindness but it just doesn’t matter. Should I stop making such an effort to be kind? Is it always like this? Is it really this lonely at the top?”
I giggled and replied, “Welcome to the big girls club! You are now on a different playing field and are ruffling some feathers. Congratulations! This is not a bad thing. You are achieving success, and some people will feel threated by that but NEVER let that change you, being kind and a great performer is GOLD in this industry. Don’t allow them to make you jaded. It doesn’t matter how nice you are to everyone you will still be the villain in somebody’s story, so just be the hero in your own. Don’t stop being kind but don’t be afraid to create a boundary when one is needed. And NO, it’s not lonely at the top if you bring ‘your people’ with you. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Be clear with what kind of people you want to surround yourself with and you will connect with them. And sometimes, the toxic shitheads will maneuver their way into your circle-moths are attracted to light. But when the first red flag appears-LISTEN! And don’t ever beat yourself up for trusting the wrong the person and having rose colored glasses. Those qualities are tremendous and rare, just dust yourself off, cut the ties and move on.”
The best thing about success being the sweetest revenge, is that once you are having success, you are so damn happy that you don’t even give those negative Nancys a 2nd thought. They may have fueled your motivation in the beginning, giving you something to prove but then, are no longer are on your mind….but you are on theirs, as they watch your socials like a hawk. at one point, those haters might even start turning into your biggest fans. You won’t even be in a place where you spare a thought about them but there probably isn’t a day that goes by that they don’t think about you. How powerful is that. That’s why success is the sweetest revenge. And when I do hear the odd garbage talk about me by someone, my response is, “So what. Awesome! Good to know that they still think of me and I’m so relevant to them. Who are they again?” It has zero weight on how I feel and most certainly doesn’t penetrate my self worth or my ‘Awesomeness’ armor.
I have said more often then not, “I don’t get bitter, I get better and better then colossal!” For me, when someone is gossiping, I’m not really paying attention about who they are gossiping about but why and where are they on their journey to be spewing such stuff. Sometimes people need to feel popular, approved of, special or they just aren’t in a happy place. Happy, successful people don’t go around hating on others and trying to destroy them, they are too busy being happy and successful!
Online is such an easy place for cyber bullying to take place, I call them keyboard warriors. There was an incident where an entertainer I had adored and vouched for down here in the US, who used a lame excuse to create a hate train of online comments and bullying towards another dancer, that was completely unprovoked and unwarranted. As I watched this unfold, I was appalled and so disappointed. I decided to sleep on how I was going to deal with this episode. I really, REALLY wanted to stay out of the drama….but this dancer that was being ganged up on is someone I’ve mentored AND I just don’t agree with this bullshit behavior! As a mentor and veteran, I felt like I needed to lead by example and do something about this. It is fortunate that the dancer attacked is my girl and we’ve had many talks about dealing with people and situations like this and that she is so strong. If this were a woman who wasn’t so strong and/or struggled at all emotionally/mentally, the consequences to such bullying could be fatal. I myself, have gotten into it with people online and the one thing I’ve learned is that you can never argue with someone irrational and committed to their way of thinking about you. You can’t argue with crazy! Waste of time. So instead of jumping on the hate train newsfeed, where I’d probably just go back and forth with a lot of the minions of the attacker (there was an entertainer that did stick up and say something on that feed and that’s exactly what happened), I decided to post on my own social media my disdain for such acts and then went out of my way to help elevate that entertainer’s career by landing her an Australian Feature Tour, which isn’t easy to come by. Not going to engage with the peanut gallery and waste my valuable time, instead, I uplift and help elevate this dancer’s career even more. This entertainer went on to win a big award in the US after this. Yay, success!
In my interview with Peeled, the documentary, they asked me if since Vayda’s death, had I noticed a change within the industry. Vayda Kiss, was one of the most sweetest souls you’d ever meet and was an amazing entertainer. Though I don’t know her full story as to what lead her to take her own life, I do know that she dealt with some bullying from other dancers. Not saying it was the reason but I’m sure it didn’t ease the pain she clearly was going through. I actually hesitated for a minute. I had a flash of the ‘mean girls’ clique. But then thought of this industry 10-15 years ago, opposed to now and the truth is, the sisterhood is stronger and continuing to build and grow. When I look at the ladies in the industry right now, there are so many kindred spirits, so helpful, genuine. In my last few contests, you wouldn’t believe that we were competing against eachother because all the ladies are helping eachother with their shows. My answer to that question was, “Yes, there has been a change within the industry since her death. The sisterhood IS stronger and I believed that dancers such as myself, have been catalysts and leading by example” I do feel that I am continuously beating this drum of uniting women and building eachother up, not tearing eachother down. I even coined the hashtag #yesyouCANsitwithus demonstrating inclusion opposed to exclusion.
Yes, there are still going to be some ripples in the pond with people who don’t get along but it is way better now than when I first started dancing! Boy, the stories I have! And I will share! When I first started dancing, it was cut throat, it was a, “Fuck around and find out,” mentality.
I’ve also heard someone gossiping about another dancer, saying the same old same old: slept her way to the top. Bahaha! I think these types of things are often said about successful women. They need to sleep with someone to get ahead and/or some sort of accusation to discredit their character. Typical things said about women in hopes of destroying their reputation. I don’t take anyone’s word for it, ever. I need to see the video footage with my own eyeballs. Actually, with most accusations, I need to see it to believe it. There needs to be a, ‘For sure this person said or did this.’
You can’t sleep with the public and in the entertainment industry, it’s all about cultivating a fan base. If a feature is successful, being booked consistently, winning contests in different organizations, has a high showprice, invited to headline events…that comes from HER. And if she has a connection with a man in our biz, who the f$%^ cares?!!! That’s their business. He is not going to make her career. Maaaaybe a dancer has won a contest or an award from being involved with the right man at the right time but that doesn’t guarantee a successful, sustainable, CAREER. That’s going to come from her. There are entertainers who have won titles and still weren’t booked.
So, for the ladies out there feeling the heat from the peanut gallery, move through it and then move up from it, flying so high those opinions have no weight with you. Allow them to fan your flames. Fly so high that when you do look down, they just look like ants. You can laugh and add onto those rumors about yourself, keep them focused on you. No such thing as bad publicity. Keep talking shit, you’re making me famous! When there was another entertainer slagging me on Instagram, my followers increased by 200! I didn;t care what she was saying, I thought it was awesome that her fans were becoming mine!
Keep reaching, keep focused, keep happy, keep kind, keep humble and keep believing in your dreams. You will be the one living them, just don’t get distracted by the haters, that’s exactly what they want.
Hi friends!
Long time! lol With the upsurge of maintaining my social media I have been quite distracted from writing my blog, but now I’m back! Where do I even begin?!! My last blog about, ‘Winding Down,’ is almost comical now. In my last interview I was asked about a cut off time, do I have one or just going to play it by ear….it seems my career has a mind of its own! So I am just going allow it to continue to soar as high as it can go and not be concerned with a cut off. Before I felt a bit rushed to hang up the stilettoes. I was ready to settle down with a man I had been involved with for 9 years, even started selling my shows {this is when you know a showgirl is for real about quitting-selling her shows} but things completely went sideways with that. That chapter of my life is book material, not blog material LOL But I can honestly say that this career has saved my soul from that experience.
As you read in my previous blog, momentum had completely picked up. I went down to Denver to compete in a contest I really wasn’t up for and ended up with huge success both on and off the stage. I was then offered a two week contract in Australia that rolled into a 3 month tour, came home from that tour and was invited to compete at the EDI’S, one of the most prestigious contests in the U.S. and walked away with 2nd place. Then was nominated for International Showgirl of the Year. I lost that one buuuuuut two American agents who always believed in me said that there was a place for me in the U.S. and to go for my visa. It was huge financial risk, that was my hesitation. I believe there is only one other dancer ever, who was approved to work in the US. The visa is very hard to obtain. Most people in the Canadian industry said not to try, I would never get it. But with the support of my agents and my lawyer, I decided what the heck?!! I’m going for it! And….I got it!! So now, I’ve been touring the U.S. for a year and a half and it has been the best part of my featuring career yet! This is what I’ve worked so hard for and exactly where I wanted to be. Example: On Friday I’m performing in New York City and then Saturday in Peoria, Illinois! Rockstar touring schedule with all of the perks!
I have also relocated to Florida and sometimes use South Carolina as a hub as well. I’m booked almost every weekend, so having Mon-Wed off leaves me options on where to spend it. I’m in full tour mode, so settle into quaint, little Airbnbs along the way has also given me the opportunity to see America, which in itself, has been amazing. I will eventually buy a place once I know where I want to be but my schedule isn’t slowing down yet and I am going to enjoy and fully utilize every experience touring gives me. Each week, new people, new venue, new energy…I love it! Some people might not adapt to living out of a suitcase but I do. Could be that I was settled in the civilian world for a while, so I now have a greater appreciation for this career now. My 2020 schedule is almost full with touring the US, going back to Australia for a second time, as I was just there to ring in the New Year and a few Canadian dates.
One of the best quotes I’ve heard was by Lady Gaga, “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.”
I feel so incredibly blessed with how things happened. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t feel honored to be here. I feel like I dodged a bullet. This career caught me when I was falling and then gave me wings to soar to heights I never could’ve imagine.
Wild Vixens Mag Followed My Shows At the Nightmoves Event
Hey Friends! You can check out my publication in Wild Vixens Magazine now! If you download a hard copy, I will personally autograph it for you whenever I’m in your city performing.
You can upload a digital version or order a hard copy here:
Interview Up in Strip Magazine!
Hot off the press!! I just had an interview with Rochelle Chetwynd, owner of Showgirls International and who writes for Strip Magazine!! I loved some of the questions she asked in this one
Hi friends,
I have been Proudly sponsored by Club Vixen in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia!!! I am thrilled by this as this venue is amazing! I met the club manager, Scarlett Rose, along with her staff while I competed at the Exotic Angels competition last year and their positive energy was outstanding! I actually posted about them on my social media as I was so impressed with how they supported all of the competitors and were such a delight to be around.
Not to mention sexiness overload!! I cant wait till I go there later in the year to feature at their club. Please *Like* their Facebook page, Club Vixen and follow them on IG @scar.hilton
Hi everyone, I am being featured in this month’s issue of Wild Vixens Magazine!! You can buy a digital copy after Feb 11h, 2018 at HUGE thank you to Lewi Young for considering me ? We go waaay back to when I came back to the dancing industry after a long hiatus and worked at the Crazy Horse in Adelaide, Australia, my very first booking back in the game! I’ve always adored, Lewi and we have the same sense of humour. I am happy to see his evolvement within the industry with his publications and honoured to grace the pages of this issue ?
I have a few publications coming out soon, all from three different industries!! Woot woot! Triple Crown ? Fitness~Pin Up~Exotic? I will keep you all posted as each one is released and available. I also have a calendar and a book in the works!
‘Winding Down’ lol
Hi friends, SO, many of you have been teasing me on my ‘winding down’ and ‘ready to move on’ spiel that I wrote about a year ago…yes, it’s been a year LOL Now when I walk into a club and see a familiar face, they usually start chuckling at me and say, “Winding Down, hey? Or, “What ever are you going to do with that 3 days off in December? So this is what winding down looks like…” lol
Well, truth is, once momentum picks up and is full swing, why stop? Last year I took a few months off to work in the film industry. I had a friend who worked in the film biz that kept nudging me to get into stuntwork, so I decided to give it a try. I wanted to stay home more, be with friends and family and to sleep in my own bed. I WAS ready to wind down and settle my roots from the road. The travel was getting to be a bit much and the money had shifted, not making the sacrifice of being away from home worth it as much. I thought it was perfect timing for a transition, although I did still love to perform.
I did the stunt course and started working on set right away. I had worked on Supergirl, the 100, the Arrangement, Riverdale and a few Hallmark movies but going into my 4th month, I was getting burnt out. 12-18 hour days, sometimes wrapping at 1am then my next call time for 5:30am, only a few hours apart. The initial excitement and adrenaline rush was wearing off and I began to realize that once again, I’m in a position where I am sacrificing a lot of time to work and not to life. At that point I told my agent that I was only interested in juicy, awesome roles…guaranteed stunt or principle roles…SAE rate at the minimum. He was like, “Who are you?” laughing, as that is not something people just starting out in the acting biz, say. I loooove the film industry but I also want more substance in my life and more time for people I care about. I began working more on my fitness career and was doing film and dancing part time.

During this time of reflection, I was invited to compete in a contest down in Denver and though I really wasn’t feeling like competing and jumping back into dancing so full on, I decided to just go for it. I ended up walking away with 11 titles from that contest, built a lil fanbase, had a rave review from the club and BAM! Momentum was sprung into motion! Hmm…maybe I should do this a little longer…I then competed in 2 more contests and won them both! It had been sooo long since
I had won a contest back
home on Canadian soil. Actually, I had been slaughtered in 4 Miss Nude Canada contests and 3 other contests I’ve done. So those wins were a personal victory for me. YAY, I can do it! I’ve definitely been creamed a lot more than I’ve ever won but just keep trying. I was then offered a 2 week contract in Australia for March, which rolled into 3 months. Once I was home I was invited to compete in the EDI’s at the end of June in which I came in 2nd place. Though I believe in myself, I knew the competition was fierce, the absolute best of the best were competing in this contest, so I wasn’t attached to winning, just wanted to do my best, watch epic shows and have fun. I was excited to go back to such an awesome club, Platinum 84 and competing in a contest and for an organization I hold high regard for. A week after doing so well at the EDI’S, I was nominated for International
Showgirl Of the Year in Vegas. Who knew any of this would happen? I was actually going to hang up the stilettos last January. I was ready and even started to sell my stuff. Just saying yes to that one contest would set into motion a chain of events that would bring such great experiences my way. It was onto the Gents Expo next at the end of August. I was going to start training clients at a local gym but things weren’t quite working out with that as smoothly as I liked and dancing opportunities were still there and followed those. At the Gents Expo I performed 4 shows, hosted the red carpet and hosted an interview for the International talent.
You are now up to date on my year! This is what I’ve been up to. Why stop now? 😀 Here we are, now in October and I’ve been working like a dawg…happily. Had a few experiences that helped me to get clear on what I want and where I want to go. I’ve been offered 3 international contracts so far and am working on a US tour. SO…winding down? More like riding the wave! I do feel a shift coming. I would love some experiences internationally but also want to find the balance. I want to focus on my other business aspirations and eventually have a kidlet! At the moment I’m booked up until June 2018 but anything can happen and dates/places can change. Waiting on visa approvals, paperwork and all that jazz. Some may work, some may not, I will keep my schedule updated as everything is finalized. So, to anyone out there this can be a great example of what being open to opportunities and not limiting yourself, can look like. Sometimes you just need to say yes. Trust the process, acknowledge the synchronicities that light up the path in front of you. DON’T EVER listen to naysayers, allow them to fuel your fire. Not everyone is meant to take your journey with you, so leave them be when that relationship is no longer serving your highest good. Get better, not bitter. If you allow the best to manifest, it will. Learn from mistakes and move on quickly. Really, really sit down and decide what you want for your life and how do you want to feel. Life can be a magical ride if you just let go of the control and believe in the magic.
Randomly Selected
When I was in Adelaide featuring at the Palace, I went for dinner with a few friends of mine. My good friend, Justine, who used to sing in my all girl group, G-Force and is now an epic cosplayer who just so happened to have married an Aussie and now lived in Australia (Lucky me to have a friend on the other side of the planet!) her hubby, who is a journalist and author along with their two friends, who are wrestlers. Yep, at my table of creativity sits a showgirl, cosplayer, journalist and 2 hot wrestlers! Let the fun begin!
Sean, Justine’s hubby, looks over at me and says, “Tell them the story about when you went through airport security.” NOW…I have SO MANY stories of both, going through airport security and immigration around the globe that I was trying to remember which story he was talking about. So I said, “Ok, was it the story with the sex toys?” Everyone bursts out laughing! He’s trying to gather himself and replies, “No, no, not that one.” So I then blurt out, “Was it the one with the bondage gear?” Everyone is still killing themselves laughing from the first incriminating question I made and this second one just was over the top…Justine then says, “I think it’s the one with your posters and magnets.” “Ooooohhh….THAT one!” I say. You see, for some reason I always get ‘randomly selected’ when going through airport security. I go in for extra testing every time. It actually has made me lose faith in the security system at the airport. Here I am in my LuLu Lemons, bubbly blonde with a baseball hat and ‘I’ am always getting selected. Their selection process is shit. LOL The only threat I would be is threatening people with a good time! Waa waaaaa! I am Da Bomb! Bombshell blonde, that’s about how explosive I get 😀 High calibre DDs, maybe! Anyways, I started to get frustrated with always being selected so I decided to pack my promo in my carry on, so that when the security officer opened my bag, my 18×36 nude posters would unravel along with my magnets. And it worked! The security officer opened my carry on to search my bag and when my posters fell out, he turned bright red. I told him he could have one if he wanted and I’d sign it for him 😉 He declined.
Nothing like this as a conversation starter to new people you’ve just met over dinner!
So let me guess….you want to hear the one about the sex toys, don’t you? Well, here is one for you. As some of you know, I used to have a well known duo called the Natural Blonde Thrillers and we used to do fully choreographed shows with skits. We were sensual not sexual and had a comedy component to our shows. This one time we were going through airport security and the female officer says she needs to look in our bag. Realizing that the bag had sexual content in it I told the security officer she’d need to take that bag aside as it contained inappropriate materials in it and we were around families. I was dying inside!! We had penis water guns, a penis pump and a huge strap on that we used in our Beauty and the Beast show! (I was the beast and would chase beauty around the stage with the strap on-it was hilarious!) She opened the bag, closed it with a look of disgust on her face and handed it to me angrily. I was trying to explain, “We don’t actually use those on each other! We are a duo act, it’s all for show! We are just friends!” She says firmly, ” I DON’T WANT TO KNOW” and walks away. You’d think we’d learn from that buuuut we didn’t.
Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number
This topic has come up a few times over the last 2 weeks with some friends outside of the industry, so thought I’d write my thoughts on the elephant in the room, so to speak. My friend says, “So, how much longer are you going to do this for? What’s the length a girl can dance for? You can’t do this forever.” I burst out laughing, “WHYYYY NOT?! I can be the vintage stripper on the stage doing walker tricks and popping wheelies in my wheelchair when I’m 102!! My energy, my sparkle and my titties will always be fabulous! 😀
Then I proceed with my more serious tone, “I am the wrong person to ask that question to. Here I STILL am and going strong. Just when I think I’m ready to wind things down, settle my roots…my career gains more momentum and reaches even greater heights that I didn’t know were capable, like getting a US work visa and a solid touring schedule for 3 years. Plus, I’m still having a blast! I love performing and creating my new shows. I am still so passionate, I’m not over it, yet. I have had a loooong, very fulfilling and fruitful career that I am grateful for. I have everything I want, I am firmly established, so I’m good to hang up the stilletos at any point. This for me, is now the gravy train. When it’s time to move into fitness full time, I’m ready, but why would I when I am having so much consistent success and at a point where I am turning work away, not the other way around? Winning contests and titles, touring internationally, booked to headline events, high in demand, etc. This is my first week off in a year! And I am booked until the end of this year! I dance because I can and I love it, not because I need to.
And now that we are here, in this discussion, let’s open this can of worms right up! LOL Fuck the misogynist perception that a woman loses her sex appeal, sexuality and beauty once she hits 25 or 30. Screw that patriarchal and old way of thinking. From my experience, a woman’s sex appeal and sexuality only enhances with age…I know mine has!! Being tuned in, turned on and confident within yourself. Women should be celebrated in every phase of life and I am a leading example of that. Other OG features are following my lead and also killing it within the industry. One of my feature friends even came out of retirement! I am a feminine, athletic energy. I am waaay better now, in all areas, than I was when I was 20. 10-15 years ago, agents would put a dancer out to pasture once she moved beyond the 25-27 year old mark lol but back then girls would party a lot, do drugs and drink, not really take care of themselves. You can have longevity and sustainability if you take care of yourself from the inside-out. Even in some recent fitness competitions women who were masters (+35) were taking top placings in the open category against girls half their age! YES!!! Sex appeal is ageless and women of all shapes and sizes are sexy and beautiful. Good bye to the era that had women shamed for age, body type, ethnicity. This is a new era where women celebrate themselves and each other…..and men, too! Build each other up, not tear each other down. EmpowHer!!! As long as my audiences are coming out and enjoying my shows, I am not going anywhere until another venture sparks my soul.
I was working with these 2 dancers, who were upset because I was the feature and getting paid a much higher showprice than them. They would make age comments in the changeroom, to try and make me feel insecure, such a typical thing to do. At one point of the dancers came off stage and said, “Those guys weren’t tipping because they said I was old enough to be their mother. I don’t know how they’ll be with you.”
Well, I did lol I went on stage and they made it raaiiiinnn!! She made $6 I made $430. After my show, I came into the changerrom and she was SO angry! She yelled, “I don’t get it! I’m younger than you!”
That’s when I said, “ ARE younger than me…but that’s it. Younger DOESN’T mean better. It only means, younger. It doesn’t mean: more talented, more beautiful, more sexy, more appealing, more fit….it ONLY means, younger. And if ‘Younger,’ is the only card you’ve got, you’ll be annihilated, because most of us OG features are playing with a full fucking deck. So, I suggest that instead of taking shots, you should be taking notes.”
And as fabulous karma would have it, that entertainer had to follow my shows all week LOL I’m the feature for a reason, people are coming in to see me and my shows. This was my audience. I will say, that I did work with these two entertainers again a few weeks later and they both apologized for their behavior. I personally, have never been hung up on age. It’s not something that I’ve ever been bothered by or worried about. I concern myself with being a great performer and maintaining total health and well being.
Baby Janine aka Wild Orchid lmao to current Janine Jericho
The Show Did Not Go On
During one of my bookings in Australia, I was scheduled to do a show at a pub that was out in the middle of nowhere, literally, you drive down the hwy 45 mins from the city and if you blinked, you’d miss the pub that was at the side of the road. It felt like the real outback. Upon arrival I was met with the 2 gentlemen that were running the show and they were both very sweet and accommodating. I had performed there the week before and my Darth Vader show was a huge hit with these outback Aussies. They were very interactive playing along with my light saber slashes and my Star Wars theatrics!
This time around they had asked me to do more crowd interaction and to dance on the tables. Of course I’m game! I don’t mind playing around and interacting with audience more, bring it on! So I step out to do my show, as my intro begins I walk over to a full table of enthusiastic customers and two men reach out to grab my hands to help me step up onto their table. Between the momentum of them lifting me up and my 5 inch stilettos, I ended up bumping my head. I was like, “Oh well…I bumped my head, no big deal, on with the show.”
As I crouch down to do a little tittie ra- ra, shimmying from the left to the right, I notice that the guy right in front of me looked like he had seen a ghost. In my mind I was thinking, this is not how a man looks when he is being tittalized lol. As I look down, I see blood on the table. I check my head with my hand and blood was on my hand. So I proceed to wipe my head with my cape, thinking I must’ve scratched myself and would just need to wipe the blood off but after taking the cape off my head it was soaked in blood, then the blood started rushing down my face. The guy sitting in front of me stands up and tells me he’s going to help me off the table, lifting me down onto the ground.
As I start to head back to the office where us girls get ready for the shows, the MC says, “And where is she going now?” I look over to him with blood gushing down my face and he immediately says, “She is going to the change-room! The next show will be in 10 mins!” As I walk into the change-room, the two other dancers and a bar owner look at me in horror and start racing around looking for a first aid kit. I was pretty calm and collected but with how anxious everyone else was I could tell I must’ve looked bad. Cass took the reigns and started to clean the gash and the blood that was everywhere. Heidi got ready and went onstage in my place. Everyone just moved into survivor mode. After placing pressure on the wound for a while, it stopped bleeding-yaaay, no stitches required! I really, really did not want to go to the hospital. Once Heidi came back from her show she mentioned that the fans were on and that’s what hit my head. I dodged a serious bullet on that one! It could’ve been way worse but I was fortunate enough to walk away with a small cut on my head.
The best part was when I was all cleaned up, one of the guys who worked there looked at me and asked if I’d be ready to go back onstage in 5 mins…. and of course, me being a true blue #albertastrong super trooper who just soldiers on said yes, if you want me to, I can go on. Cass raises her voice, shocked at the suggestion and said, “There is no way Janine is going on! She lost a lot of blood! Me and Heidi will go back on stage and do a show!”
I just laughed at the craziness of the whole situation. Only twice in my loooong career did the show not go on. And it as was a full moon taboot! The manager asked if I could come back the following week, they were disappointed I couldn’t perform and did so well the week before, that they were excited to have me there. I appreciated that, considering I just had a blood bath on their table and it wasn’t Halloween! Funny enough, I was wearing my Devil costume 😛
It was an unfortunate accident that happened but everyone was SO good to me, especially Cass and her sexy nursing abilities lol The pub, owners, staff and customers were all extremely attentive and I hope to one day go back there and redeem myself…with my vampire show! bahahaha naaaa, maybe I’ll keep it simple and just stay on the stage.
Yep, I made it down to Denver to compete in Miss Nude Universe and Miss Nude World! Totally last minute decision. Feeling an uprush of creative energy, renewed faith and inspiration and am indulging in my performances. I do In-Joy the stage so much. Already won some awards: 2nd place Miss Nude Exotic Universe, Universe Entertainer of the Year and Best Aerial Performance! NOW it’s time to get back in the saddle, refocus and tweak shows for MISS NUDE WORLD…the BIG one….the one I’m going for! Sh$# just got real 😀
I’m performing my LED FROZEN SHOW and STAR WARS, as they were my highest scoring shows so far. For the first time I feel at ease, no contest head or contest gitters, just moving through this experience with lightness and fun. Keeping my shows consistent and familiar is the key. Not trying to whip out anything new or never done before and keeping stage crew’s involvement as minimal as possible…however, I will say, they have been EPIC so far. Jason Cherry has been doing a great job on my shows. Usually stage crew has made costly mistakes with me but Im feeling comfortable with how things are flowing so far. A few tweaks needed for Frozen but nothing major. I’m having SO much fun and the girls on this trip are a blast! Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!
The club, PLATINUM 84, along with all their staff are AMAZING and beeeeautiful. I’m definitely fired up and makes me think…I’ve still got a lot in me. I do loooove it down here in the States. Feeling inspired and do see a ton of potential. Wish me luck, peeps 🙂
I also have magazines to sell to anyone who wants one and I will personally sign my spread just for you. They are $25.00 USD and you can etransfer or through PayPal. A limited amount are available, so let me know asap. Thanks, peeps!
P.S. If you’d like to check out some video of my shows, they are posted on my Facebook Fan page, Janine Jericho
Breaking the Stereotypes
As many of you know, there is a stereotypical perception around exotic dancers and I feel like addressing that today. For the most part, I have been extremely fortunate to have been shielded from this stigma, I believe it’s because of how I conduct myself and my business, however, I haven’t been completely except and seeing that this is an ongoing issue that affects everyone in the biz, it’s time to share a little, uncover a few layers of the onion.
I’ve ALWAYS prided myself in my showgirl status, performing elite shows with huge, exquisite costumes combined with many specialty skills such as fire, aerials, pole and showmanship; like something you’d think you see in Las Vegas. I LOVE entertaining and connecting with audiences and have always gravitated towards creative facets, such as music-having my own band which I managed and was a singer/songwriter for, acting and stunting in the film industry, writing, personal training (inspiring and designing programs for people to help them reach their goals) and of course, dancing.
What I LOVE about my showgirl career, let me count the ways lol: Embodying feminine energy and confidence and exuberating that energy on stage through the art of creating an erotic journey, the athletics I demonstrate with pole fitness, dance ability and circus skills, creating characters that audiences with love and connect with, designing the music that takes my audience through a playful and entertaining experience, developing shows that are creative with props and special effects that people want to come back in to be a part of the experience, that ‘Sweet Spot’ when I am completely connected to the audience, being able to fill a room and most importantly INSPIRE people around the globe through my own story and performances!
See, so far there’s more than meets the eye, even in the driving motivations behind creating the shows. I am an empowered woman who is tapped into her sensuality, sexuality, feminity and have chosen the stage as my platform and playground to demonstrate that. I am not some dysfunctional party girl, using drugs and alcohol, being promiscuous and that has daddy issues LOL I come from a loving and supportive family, I am a national level, natural athlete, I have excelled in 2 other careers and have a long list of accolades. I am a business woman first, creative artist second. And I’m not the only one! Many girls in this industry have interesting stories to share.
What had prompted me to write this blog was a random comment made from someone in regards to being a high priced escort from having a wishlist and receiving gifts from customers…at first I completely dismissed this because it was SO stupid and ignorant I didn’t think people actually would believe that. I mean, dancing on stage in an glamorous, expensive costume, performing acrobatics and high energy dance routines where NO ONE can touch you is completely different from having sex with strangers for money and gifts…Not to mention if I or any other elite, headlining, showgirl had that reputation you would NOT be booked. Venues do not want that behavior attached to their name. It is frowned upon. CLEARLY people understand the EPIC difference…I mean, I make more than enough money to buy my own damn gifts! And I do! But in this biz your fans sometimes want to express their appreciation, so it is common to receive things as well but without any intention whatsoever in the sex department.
But nope, this person in the beginning really did question that. I guess the being naked part equalled being openly sexual, too lol quite honestly, I VALUE myself, I have deep self-worth and self-love and am traditional in the intimacy department. I DON’T believe in just giving yourself to anyone. I don’t believe that sex is just sex. I believe in honouring yourself and sharing yourself with someone you have mutual feelings for. Meaningful sex only. So yes, provocative on stage, more traditional in my private life.
What’s also interesting is that I have more female followers than I do male. And many of these young girls and women are inspired by the energy I project, for I think they feel their own sensuality, desire and feminine energy heighten from my reflection, I have explained this before. I had a full front row of screaming ladies (not uncommon for me) and a male customer made a comment about how all the women were lesbians. “Maybe a few!, “ I replied with a giggle, “But the majority, nope, just women out showing their appreciation for another woman’s sexiness and sensuality. It is a girl power era! I love it! It definitely helps break down that stigma over dancers because women can come into clubs and see for themselves what goes on.
I have never felt the need to hide what I do. In certain situations I may be more discreet but for the most part, I am proud of my accomplishments and what this career has done for me. Being authentic doesn’t come from what you do, it comes from who you are and when you are being true to yourself, you are being authentic, and when you are being authentic, you will flow that into what you do. So many people talk about taking the road less traveled, be yourself, follow your heart but many of those same people are the first to judge you when you do. I personally don’t care, I am a self-made woman and a successful one at that. I wouldn’t be here if I listened to other people’s judgments and opinions. Their opinions of me are none of my business. It’s their issue, not mine and I don’t make it mine.
When I conceived my son at a young age everyone said that if I kept him, I wouldn’t make it, I’d become another welfare statistic and my modelling career would be over…I owned my first house and vehicle by the time I was 21, traveled the world, had tons of modelling jobs and a successful band but most importantly, he was the BEST thing that has ever happened to me and he makes me proud everyday. We DID make it, above and beyond what even I thought I could do.
When I decided to put a band together, everyone said that it was a cut throat industry, you’ll never make it, why don’t you get a ‘real’ job…. a year later we sang for Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, were on the front page of the newspaper, appeared on E.TV, Global Television, Shaw TV, Online TV and had several publications. When I decided to work in a gym I was told it was a man’s industry, don’t bother trying to move up….within 3 months I was the top producer in the company and in 6 months I moved into management.
When I decided to compete in a fitness competition, everyone said I wouldn’t win, it’s political, you need to pay your dues….and I won my first show. When I was going down to the States to compete in dancing contests everyone said they will never let a Canadian win one of their contests, I not only won 2 big titles, one of them being Miss Nude USA (yes, this Canadian girl won a US title…clearly it wasn’t political LMAO I just did the biggest show, a show that couldn’t lose) but also a slew of mini titles!!
These are just a few examples of where I’ve been and what I’ve done. There are so many more lol but I’ll share these ones with you for now. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that happiness is an inside job. You cannot make anyone else happy or accept you for who you are…and that’s OK. It’s not about making everyone else happy it’s about making yourself happy. And when you are in alignment with your passions and journey, your happiness with be felt by those around you and though they still might not love your choices, they might not battle with you on them because they like how they feel when they around your positive, authentic vibes. And for those who don’t, it’s their loss, not yours.
ahhh delving deep! And there are other ladies with stories just as thick, if not more. Never judge a book by it’s cover, you just might miss how interesting the story really is.
Road to the World’s
Road to the World’s and Exotic Universe 2016
I have been invited to compete in Exotic Nude Universe and Miss Nude World this year and am seriously considering it, I think I have one more contest in me. I have evolved my shows quite a bit over the last 2 years and I think it’d be a great way to end my final year in the dancing industry.
To help cover the expenses of the travel and competing, I’ve decided to sell my promo for a minimum donation of $20 or more, which all will go towards my, ‘Road to The Worlds’ cause. I also think this will be a fun and interactive journey to take with all of my supporters. I will post video clips of my contest prep and give you all an inside look at how I’m getting ready for the contest 😀
As many of you know, 2016 has not been the easiest year for me. I was faced with many challenges and heart aches along the way. It definitely has been a year of endings, personal growth, new chapters…dealt with a few heavy hearted betrayals, my family losing a lot in a forest fire and the trauma that went along with that devastation and the financial loss, my car becoming a money pit…one of those year’s that really tested me on every level to the limit buuuut I not only moved forward keeping the vision of my dreams clear but moved through it all with epic it grace, tenacity and ‘balls to the wall’ determination, not allowing the negative situations to have any power over me and my dreams.
I’m happy to say that I’m now feeling on top of the world these days and things have been moving in an AMAZING direction for me. I’ve let go of a lot of crap, my mind and heart are clear and I have a renewed sense of passion and inspiration, I’d like to just go for it!! In everything! End the year 2016 on a victorious note, both on the inside and the outside. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s to always see the brightside, that things WILL always get better but how fast is really up to you. You can waver in feeling down and out which will just attract more negative experiences when hovering it that energy or let go and move on. Moving forward is freedom. And letting go isn’t giving up, it’s understanding that the best is yet to come
Last time I did the World’s, I didn’t even make podium. Every girl brought her A game and the competition was not only fierce but SO close. There was no clear front runner, which is common in a lot of contests, as each contestant was GREAT. It came down to mistakes…with a contest so close it only took one mistake to knock you out of placing and that’s what happened with me. My first show for the World’s was excellent, nailed it with a lot of perfect scores, it actually won me 2nd place in Exotic Nude Universe. But my second show bombed with a few mistakes that happened with the stage crew and it bumped me right out of placing. That year Isabelle Deltoire won, Layla Dash took second and Justice took third…and she was crippled! LOL YES, my bestie made podium one handed, she killed it! BUT in the end, all had consistently great back to back shows and deserved their placings fair and square.
If I do it this year, I have learned from my previous mistakes and am hoping to nail my shows with the same consistency and greatness those girls maintained.
So let’s do this peeps!! Join me on this journey! If you’d like to buy a poster or magnets you can send me an etransfer to, use PayPal or my GoFundMe page. Send me a message or email with your mailing address and I’ll send a piece of promo out to you. Onward and upward!!
NOW….WHAT shows should I perform???
Helllllo my peeps!
Hello to all my loyal peeps who have been patiently waiting for me to share some more dancing adventures with them! I’ve been all over the map…once again and have had been caught up in a whirlwind that took my career to even greater heights over the last year. Have met a lot of amazing and interesting people along the way and have had many more reasons to love my job. So, I have been journaling my stories and will post them every few days. Happy to be back up and sharing! Hoping to get the vlogs up at some point but one step at a time 😀 Other big titles I’ve added to my library lol are MISS NUDE UNITED STATES 2015 (yes, this Canadian gal went down to the United States and won their title!! I will most definitely be an excellent ambassador of the crown, proudly representing the Can-Am connection. I was also awarded the CANADIAN ULTIMATE FEATURE ENTERTAINER AWARD for 2015!! This for me, is the highest and most prestigious achievement award that there is.
Being recognized for building such an amazing and successful career had me feeling overwhelmed with deep appreciation and am still elated 🙂 Being a feature performer is so much more than putting on a fancy costume and dancing around on stage and to have been validated with the contribution I have made within this industry is outstanding.
VOTE FOR ME!! The Ed Awards!
Hi peeps! I’ve been nominated for Club Favourite Of them Year for the Ed Awards taking place at the Gentlemens Expo in New Orleans in August!!! Please go and vote for me!!
Crowned Miss Nude Exotic Dancer North America 2014!! Part 1
Hello peeps! SO happy to announce that I was recently crowned Miss Nude Exotic Dancer NORTH AMERICA at Deja Vu Showgirls in Las Vegas!! Along with the other titles of Hottest Stage Personality and Overall Best Show! Woot woot!! Have to say that I’m still flying high over the big win, in more ways than one. On this trip to Vegas I also got to see just how good of a friend my bestie, Justice, really is and got to create and deepen a few other friendships along the way. I finally got to meet the amazing Rio Rivers aka Gracie, who puts on all the big contests in the States and got a taste of the U.S. exotic dance scene, which has me intrigued even more! But all this goodness still did come along with some pretty crazy challenges as well….
At 4am on the Sunday morning I was loading my car, getting ready to pick up Justice and go to the airport. While I was loading, my keys fell out of my hoodie’s pocket and into my car un-noticed, until of course I close the hatchback and reach for my keys in my pocket only to realize what had just happened. SO, I call the 24/7 locksmith hotline and they said they’d call me back…I waited 15 mins with no phone call or an answer when I called them back.
I immediately call Justice and explain what happened. I then tell her, we’d have to take her car instead. At the moment she is one handed, she just had a major surgery on her wrist, so thank goodness she only lives 5 mins from me as she is not supposed to drive. I tell her that ALL my clothes and summer shoes are locked in my car, everything including toiletries, along with the two shows I was planning on doing, my Peacock and my Showgirl or Devil :/ and she responds, “I have LOTS of clothes! I’ll pack a bunch for you! What do you want? I have dresses, shoes, everything.” I then laugh out loud and respond, “I won’t fit in your stuff, you’re smaller than me!” She is mini! But she reassures me that it’ll all fit. SO, I grab 2 other costumes, Batman and new Superman, my make-up and some promo and away we go!
She comes to grab me, we stop at her place and grab her luggage with some outfits she put together for me and we dash out the door and get onto the highway heading to the U.S. border to catch our flight out of Bellingham. As we approach the border we read a sign that states that the border crossing is CLOSED-WTH??!! This particular border crossing was closed that early in the morning, so now the nearest one was 30 mins away…NOW we are cutting it too close for comfort. SERIOUSLY?! What is with this luck? I just kept thinking to myself that something wonderful was going to come out of all this.
I will say that through this entire ordeal though, we laughed and stayed so calm and collected. I mean really, what would stressing out do. Just try and keep our heads up with a positive attitude and be open to those lil miracles to flow in and help out. We were both probably a lil overtired from not sleeping at all so it made it easier to be light with the whole situation.
We finally make it to the other border crossing and OF COURSE there’s a line up AND we get hassled a lil from the officer. Of course! LOL By this time it really was comical. I felt like I was watching a movie. Finally we get through and we boot it to the airport! Justice was driving one armed, by her adamant own choice, and ‘would have’ just made our flight if it wasn’t for the wait and hassle at the border. She impressively pulled off getting us to the airport just as our flight was leaving for the runway. She made up really good time, we were so close! AND now I know what it feels like to be driving with a Nascar driver LOL
SO we missed our flight. Still in positive spirits we had enough flirtiness within us to bat a few eyelashes and twiddle our hair with our fingers, to not have to pay the extra fare difference, nor did we have to pay for our overweight bags AND we were seated together in the emergency seats with LOTS of space! Yay, positive energy is now working is magic!
We arrive in Las Vegas, exhausted and excited all at the same time! A GREAT live that a taxi driver said to us was, There are no bad days, just bad moments.” Never allow your bad moments to become a bad day. Another lil splash of positivity to uplift our spirits 🙂 We check into our suite at the Palms Place Hotel and it was GORGEOUS! I particularly loved the bathtub being in the middle of the room lol The producer from Naked Justice swung by with a few comedian friends and I thought it was funny to tell them they couldn’t come in right now because Justice is having a bath AND she’s in the middle of the room! lmao! And then I go over and shave her armpit, the one she can’t shave with her cast on on. You know you’re a true friend when….
She told me I was lucky…because she wasn’t performing I didn’t need to shave her box Bahahaha! I just replied with a great, big smile, “If I had to do it, you know I would in a heartbeat!” lol What are friends for? 😉
Here we go in Mexico!! I’m a little backdated with blogs BUT I’m now back on it and might as well get started with one heck of an adventure! A girlfriend of mine and I had to go to Mexico for one of ours bestie’s wedding and decided to go down a week early to have some fun and THAT we did. When we first arrived we went over to pick up our rental car and the rental car company wanted a $3000.00 deposit! WTH! But after messaging a few family members to confirm this, it seemed to be the norm and we soon found out why…the roads in Mexico are crap and there are giant speed-bumps everywhere! And when I say giant, I mean a mini hill. And they are crazy drivers…absolutely nuts. One night we were driving home and I was doing 60 km per hr, not too fast and a speed-bump came out of nowhere! I hit the speed-bump and we were airborne! My friend actually hit her head on the roof on the car as she was texting! I just thought to myself that I needed to keep control of the car when we land because that’s when accidents occur…losing control when you hit the road. As we hit the road we heard the front of the car scrape the ground and I had a flashback to the movie, ‘The Hangover.’ lol All we could do was laugh out asses off. I looked at heard and said, “Did any cops see that? If they did we are SO getting pulled over!” But nobody saw what had happened. When we pulled over to check the car there was a piece of plastic dangling from the front bumper and that was it. We just tucked it back up and we were off! Lucky!
Things got off to a great start when we checked into our hotel and asked the front desk guy if there were any nicer rooms available, with a few batting of the eyelashes, he upgraded us into a suite! It was AMAZING! I love Cancun! Hotel and car…check and CHECK!
The third night we were there we decided to take a drive to see if anything was happening in town…and everything was happening! Time to park the car and have some fun! We made friends with an MC and a DJ who worked in the clubs and had VIP treatment the whole time we were there. After a long night of dancing the night away we leave the club and my girlie was going 80 in a 60 zone, so I told her to slow down. Cops in Mexico will try and pull you over for anything so we needed to be careful BUT too late….a cop driving beside us went onto his megaphone saying, “Please pull your vehicle over now..” OH crap!
So for the next 45 minutes my friend was pleading with the officer not to arrest us. He was gong to take us in for drinking and driving, even though she only had one drink at the beginning of the night and really…they care about that in Mexico? lol We knew that he might be persuaded with a little cash pay out BUT all we had left from our night was 60 pesos! Ummm yes, that’s peanuts, that’s around $4.00 US! LOL We kept batting our eyelashes and did the girlie thing praying to God that he wouldn’t arrest us. We even offered to buy him dinner the next day. “Come and hang out with us for a nice dinner.” 😀 Finally he states that he won’t arrest us but he would have to take my friend’s license and she’d have to pay $250 USD at the police station the next day. SO, here we go again…plead, plead, plead!! Bat eyelashes, bat eyelashes, bat eyelashes! I was channeling Marilyn Monroe in this moment! Eventually he gave her license back, TOOK the 60 pesos and let us go. But not before we lost our car key and asked him if he took it. He then was looking for our key with his flashlight under our car when I found it under my leg. My friend just giggled an ‘almost busted’ kind of giggle and said, That’s why I’m the designated driver tonight.” *Double perma-grins* 😀 He then escorted us back to our hotel and gave us his name just in case we got pulled over again. Holy ‘Sweating bullets!’
Our days in Cancun consisted of bikinis at the poolside with pina coladas and each night was always something new. After a twisting of my rubber arm by my friend and the guy who got us into the club, I decided to compete in the Palazzo pole dancing championships. The guy told me that there was one girl who had an amazing body who’s local and wins a lot but that if I could do stuff on the pole, I’d win cuz she doesn’t do anything on the pole. Well, that night there were a few girls who could do pole tricks so the competition was steep. But I had an edge….I call them Thelma and Louise. 😀 I asked my friend if I could use her bra seeing that I wasn’t wearing one with my summer dress (And she showed my just how true of a friend she was…her shirt was see through AND she is NOT a dancer who is used to showing that off lol) and when doing my pole dance I took off my dress and performed my tricks in a sexy thong and her sexy black bra. And of course, ‘the girls’ were out in full support…well, popping out, more like it. And when it came down to the audience vote, I took the cake! Won $200, whoohoo! Then the next day you’ll never guess what happened….I was in the newspaper. Yes, the article was ranting on how the Palazzo hires professional dancers for their contests and there’s a big picture of me in a superman hold on the pole with a huge, treasure cat smile on my face! OMG…really? Why would they put that in the newspaper..I have no effin idea but they stopped the pole dancing contest after that happened and they haven’t had it since. I even met another dancer, Kennedy Cage, who knows the same people we were hanging out with because she lived down there for a while (yes, small world) and she said they STILL don’t have the contest and she heard about that. Oops. I was just a tourist having fun and I happened to have some skills….what? Who me?
We decided to go down to Playa Del Carmen for a night to hang out with the MC and his Dj friends and once again, my rubber arm was twisted to compete in a bikini contest….and I won that, too. I was making a paycheck while in Mexico with the winnings lol SO MUCH FUN. I always wondered what the hotel staff thought of us, strolling in every morning at about 6…lol Each morning when the valet guy took our car all he would say is, “Good night??” and we’d smile and say, “Great night!” lol There was even one early morning when we locked ourselves out of our room but our feet hurt so much from heels that we went to the front desk in bare feet, needing to pee and probably looked disheveled from our night out. Take into consideration, we were staying at a nice resort with mostly families and couples…the Sesame Street song, “One of these things just doesn’t belong here, ” played in my mind at that very moment. LOL
And this was week one…..week two, WELL, not sure if I’m going to write about week two just yet but it was even crazier than week one on a whole other scale. It really could’ve been ‘Bridesmaids 2’.
Sibbald…One building, 10 people and a Cow
So I had a week off and my agent asked me if I wanted to go to Sibbald….where?? I have never even heard of this place. He starts laughing and says it’s along the Saskatchewan and Alberta boarder and the population is about 10…and a cow LOL What the heck? He said that it’s out in farm country and there aren’t any venues where they have dancers for 3 hours each direction, so a tiny little pub brings in girls as a treat for the farmers in the surrounding community and it actually gets quite busy, worth the trip.
So being as adventurous as I am 😉 and always up for something new and another place to cultivate a loyal, appreciative following, I say YES! Bring on the cow!
Well, he wasn’t kidding, there was only one building and a few houses. When I met the owner and his girlfriend they were wonderful, made me feel at home right away as small town peeps do. They had a black lab cross who ended up being my buddy during my stay there. But sure enough, word spreads fast about me coming to town and people start rolling in. As I said before, I LOVE country boys!! It was Easter weekend so could’ve gone either way in terms of bringing in an audience but it was banging! I had an amazing 2 days 😀 And went through SO much promo it was like working a full week!
AND…I got a speeding ticket! Batting of the eyelashes didn’t work at all 😛 Lucky though, cuz I actually started to slow down right before I saw the cop so he got me going slower than I actually was. He was like, “I know what driving these roads are like..” In my head I was like, “BOARING…ya think?” But then he proceeded to tell me there were a lot of deer along that road and we wouldn’t want something to happen to me. Of course not, I’m the entertainment for the week! lol I told him he should stop by for a beer….lol
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